Blue Ridge Pastoral Counseling Centers

--- SMILE ---
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One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is to remember to smile. When we are serious, we are functioning out of the basic, more reptilian part of our brain. This part controls the "fight or flight" types of responses, and helps us get ready to act quickly when we are fearful and in danger, or angry and ready to fight. Special brain scans have now shown that when we are feeling anxiety or panic, a large amount of blood is going to this part of the brain.

Above this "reptilian" part is the more mammalian area of our brain. We know that mammals were the first animals to nurture their young and to play. Just watching otters slide in the snow, or young puppies rolling on the floor, helps us get a sense of the meaningless play that can often be so much fun. The mammalian part of our brain is that which helps us carry on such activities as spontaneous play and nurturing.

We now know that, if we are getting too serious or anxious or fearful, just bringing a smile to our faces stimulates certain nerve endings in our cheeks. This stimulation can actually cause blood to move from the serious, reptilian part of our brains to the more playful, nurturing, mammalian area in our brains. Just a smile can change how we feel at that moment.

So, if we wish to feel moments of playfulness and relaxation during our day, even if we don't feel like smiling --- take a nice deep breath; then as we slowly breathe out, just go ahead and . . .
S M I L E.

"Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind." Alice Meynell

"Happiness comes, I know, from within a person---from some curious adjustment to life. The happiest people I have known in this world have been the Saints---and, after these, the men and women who get immediate and conscious enjoyment from little things." Hugh Walpole

"I have always had a strong and shameless interest in having a good time. I have felt that something was profoundly the matter, and that desperate measures should be taken, if I was not happy." Max Eastman

"Do not worry; eat three square meals a day; say your prayers; be courteous to your creditors; keep your digestion good; exercise, go slow and easy. Maybe there are other things your special case requires to make you happy, but my friend, these I reckon will give you a good lift." Abraham Lincoln

"These things I have spoken to you that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full." Jesus

"Rebellious heart, in the grip of fate,
Have patience, wait!
Calm you and hark to the great wind's blowing.
Bearing winged seed to your hands for the sowing.
Drive deep the plow of sorry and pain,
Turn up rich soil for the golden grain,
Spare not the tears: they are needed as rain;
Too long, too long has the field lain fallow,
Now well prepared and no longer shallow. Please God, a soul is growing!"
Annerika Fries

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