Blue Ridge Pastoral Counseling Centers

Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral counseling is a form of counseling in which a pastoral counselor, as a representative of a religious tradition, uses the insights and principles of psychology, religion, and theology in working with individuals, couples, families, and groups to achieve wholeness and health.

Unique to pastoral counseling is the conviction that life's crises and transitions are best met by utilizing the knowledge and skills of sciences such as psychiatry, psychology and hypnotherapy and the wisdom of religious and spiritual teachings.

A recent Gallup poll found that when confronted with a personal problem needing counseling or psychotherapy, 66% of persons would prefer a therapist who represented spiritual values and beliefs, and 81% would prefer a therapist who enabled them to integrate their values and belief system into the counseling process. Pastoral counselors are mental health professionals who have been especially trained in both religion and the behavioral sciences to meet this need.

People seek pastoral counseling, psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy for a variety of reasons. You may find it helpful if you are experiencing....

bulletstruggles with your own emotional and spiritual growth or a desire to deepen your spiritual life;
bulletquestions about matters of meaning and faith;
bulletself doubt or worry;
bullettoo much stress in your life;
bulletfeelings of emptiness;
bulletdistress in managing your daily life;
bulletdifficulty in working toward your goals, or in finding purpose in life;
bulleta general lack of zest or enthusiasm for life;
bulletloss and grief;
bulletproblems in a relationship or family difficulties.

These are only some of the problems for which you might seek help from a pastoral counselor.

For more information please feel free to contact Dr. Kinser by via US Postal mail at:
200-B Beverly Road, Ashland, VA 23005

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